
Best Mosquito Repellent Candles - outdoor examples

Best Mosquito Repellent Candles 2023: Indoor & Outdoor Options

Repelling mosquitoes can be irritating, especially if you don’t like the smell and feel of repellent sprays. Luckily, repellent candles are effective, and they don’t cause any discomfort, especially when they’re smokeless or unscented. What are the best mosquito repellent candles? Indoor candles to repel mosquitoes should be smokeless and contain scents such as citronella, […]

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A cricket munching on a green leaf.

What Do Crickets Eat? List of Their Preferred Foods

When you spot crickets gathering in or around your home, it may make you wonder what’s attracting them. Critters don’t just show up for no reason. There’s usually some kind of food that’s attracting them. What do crickets eat? Crickets will eat almost anything, although they prefer plants. They’ll eat freshly planted seeds, sprouting seedlings,

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A light brown camel cricket perched on a leafy stem.

Spider Crickets vs. Camel Crickets vs. Cave Crickets – What’s the Difference?

It’s difficult to tell insects apart since they’re so small, and there usually isn’t much difference between species. If you point to a cricket and say it’s a camel cricket, someone else might say it’s a spider cricket, and another person may say it’s a cave cricket. It can get confusing and makes it difficult

Spider Crickets vs. Camel Crickets vs. Cave Crickets – What’s the Difference? Read More »