
japanese beetle on counter

10 Effective Methods for Japanese Beetle Removal

10 Effective Methods for Japanese Beetle Removal Japanese beetles, those unwanted invaders, can cause substantial damage to your serene home garden, voraciously consuming over 300 species of plants and leaving behind only skeletonized leaves. These pests, recognized by their gleaming metallic blue-green heads, aren’t merely an aesthetic problem; they represent a serious threat to any […]

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mosquito dunk floating in homemade mosquito trap

How to Use Mosquito Dunks: Controlling Infestations with a Mosquito Trap

Mosquito Dunks are a popular and effective means for controlling mosquito larvae in standing water. These tablets or “dunks” contain a bacterium called Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti), which is toxic to mosquito larvae but harmless to humans, pets, birds, and aquatic life. Although dunks may look like a pesticide, they are not! Bti is a

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The Best Mothball Alternatives & How To Use Them Effectively

Mothballs may remind you of visiting your grandparents’ house when you were young. They’re a strong source of nostalgia for many people. These days, you hardly see them around any more, thanks to the discovery of just how toxic they are to people, pets, and the environment. What are some alternatives to mothballs? Lavender, cedar,

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